Adria; Angelique; Isabella; Clara; Chloe; Dana; Cheyenne; Clair; Rachel; Cheryl; Logilisa{Lisa}; SiewWen; Grace; Karen; SzeHan; Jeraldine; Rebecca; Nicole; Angelina; MeiShan; Kerissa; Deepa; Sherie; Steffi; Megan{Sim}; LiMing; Jeanette; Shona; Karina; Ashini; Anu; Jade; Sarah; Amanda; Yuka; Cherilyn; Shermaine; Valerie; Megan{Sin}; WanTing; Felysse

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010 @ 10:02 PM

heyheys OneThree! ok, we have already changed the design of the class shirt. when the supplier emails me the draft then i will upload it on the blog so that you all can take a look at it. and yea, now the colours that we will be using are metallic silver and pink. cos the supplier suggested that pink will be better for the shirt design and that it will be cheaper. so like the front will have your own name and register that will be in silver and the back, the word "im'possible" at the back of the shirt will be in pink.

ok, now for the class outing. for those who want a BBQ, do you really wanna have a BBQ? because you have to consider many facts. like, what if it rains? then how are we supposed to transport the food? it will be in the afternoon, so its gonna be very hot. its really very troublesome, you know? you have to prepare everything before hand, the transportation, the cost, the weather, blablabla. so like, steamboat is so much better. at least if it rains, we will be sheltered, its an "EAT ALL YOU CAN"and then like we don't have to prepare anything beforehand. and since like chinese new year is round the corner, a steamboat will be best lor. and since the school gave each pupil $2, and we have $82 altogether, we can like hire a bus to send us. and there's no such thing as we have to CLIMB MOUNT FABER. there's a road up. so, ok, i plan to just settle the class outing by tomorrow. ok, so you all ah, must cooperate hor.

haiyo, i shout and shout until my voice become so rough le. and it getting rougher and rougher everytime i talk. aiya, my voice supposed to be for singing one leh... now become like that then how sia...? oks, forget it.

loves, sherie
Bye For Now ~
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 @ 10:38 PM

Chingay Art-Banner painting

40 banners have been shortlisted from the hundreds submission.

Congratulations to Jade!

Let us (and our family) vote for Jade's Chingay Art-Banner at
http://www.chingay.org.sg/bannerart/index.html (banner #12)

from Mr Lee ; posted by sherie
Bye For Now ~
@ 10:26 PM

heyys OneThree .

we're very glad that all of you made a very quick decision about the class tshirt and class outing , although there were some uncooperative people . im not pointing fingers hor . but here are the confirmed things about the shirt and the outing :

- BLACK background and METALLIC SILVER words

Class Outing:
- Steamboat at Mount Faber {$18 per person}
- Followed by Shopping at Vivo city on your own / in you own groups

so , yea . let that be an enjoyable class outing ok ? see ? we beat like ALL the other class . we only took 2 days to decide on where we are going and only 2 days to decide on our class tshirt . sighs , thank God all of you have such good monitresses and class committee members . otherwise all of you won't be able to work this fast .

ok , so , no more objections now . we'll be going to meet the tshirt supplier tomorrow .

loves , sherie
Bye For Now ~
Monday, January 25, 2010 @ 7:24 PM

yupps, just to add on to what sherie have said. we prefer black background and metallic words. reason being purple is a weird color to wear and to match. yes its a nice and unique color that NON of the classes in sg have it. but you can try wearing it on, and it seriously does look weird. and for black, we're only wearing it on class outings. not EVERYDAY. so whats the problem whether its warm or not? i'm sure its more comfortable to wear the class tee rather than sch uniform. on the outing on 12 feb, we hope we can wear the class tee. so PLS, decide everything by tmr . and you all give some suggestions for the colors yup? if not when we decide it , you all dont like it -.- but whatever it is , whether you like it or not, you all have to wear it on ALL our class outings. so pls go and think about it over the night :D THANKS !

Bye For Now ~
@ 5:49 PM

heyys , one three . like why is the blog still so dead and im the only one who is updating it ? ok , so , here is the thing for the class shirts . PURPLE BACKGROUND AND METALLIC SILVER WORDS . if you all cannot agree on the colours by TOMORROW , we will either settle on this or BLACK . so , all of you had better cooperate and agree on one colour for the background .

and , for the class outing , the class committee will try our best to ask whether we can go to WILD WILD WET . but , if we cannot , then it can't be helped . so , please , OneThree , give some suggestions and cooperate with each other hor . its really very hard to coordinate the class and decide on stuff when you all cannot agree with each other . its like , example la , cheryl's group wants this colour for the class shirt , then later , szehan that group wants another colour , then later other people want different colours . so we like already decided that the words will be METALLIC SILVER . and as for the back ground , as i said , if all of you cannot come to a decision by TOMORROW , then too bad . the class monitresses and the class committee will have to help you all decide and if all of you are not happy , then don't come and blame us cos we already gave all of you a chance to decide . so , remember , the deadline is TOMORROW .

and , as for the class outing , PLEASE , PLEASE , PLEASE give some suggestions because we really don't know what you all want . and just take note of this : NO MOVIES PLEASE {ITS TOO COMMON!} . so , yea , please help with the suggestions .

loves , sherie

p.s. why are the colours so weird ? oks , i don't know .
Bye For Now ~
Sunday, January 24, 2010 @ 9:49 PM

heyys , one three . please , please , please continue to update and not only tag on the tagboard . and btw , we have english homework {for those in 1-2} , history , geography , chinese and math homework and some others , i think . and please remember to bring your art stuff tomorrow . later miss nair or miss wong scold hor , don't come blame me cos i got remind you all . and , there's gonna be a math and science test this week . aiya , this week a lot of test one la . actually hor , the test also like no use like that . anyways , jiayous hor .

loves, Sherie!
Bye For Now ~
duty roster
Friday, January 22, 2010 @ 8:03 PM

Wassup guys! Just a Reminder, duty starts on term 4, so reg. 1,2,3,4 and 5 need to stay back during recess ( few mins)for duty. from Ashini
Bye For Now ~
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 @ 10:38 PM

heyys , onethree !

please update this blog often . this blog will be used for latest class updates , outings , examination dates and more . so , please update this blog more often . if you have any likes or dislikes , please comment on the tagboard ! whether this blog is a success or not , its up to you !

loves , sherie .
Bye For Now ~
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 @ 11:15 PM

heyys , one three of 2010 hope you like this blog !

loves , sherie .
Bye For Now ~